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Intertextuality in Religious Memes

Intertextuality is defined as "the assembling and reading of fragmented, yet interrelated texts..."Memes like Buddy Christ and intertextual as they communicate religious texts that assert the authority of religion with texts from popular culture that questions the religious authority. While seemingly undermining religion, they can also affirm the authority of religion at the same time. 


The way that memes are created and shared cause them to both affirm and undermine religion, sometimes at the same time. While memes can seem simple and playful, they are oftentimes quite serious. 2

1 Bellar, Wendi, et al. “Reading Religion in Internet Memes.” Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013, pp. 15

Campbell, Heidi. “NMRDC Study: Religious Memes Mix Faith & Humor for Unpredictable Result.” Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies, Texas A&M University and the IDHMC, 13 Feb. 2014,

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